
The purpose of the Worth Ranch Facilities and Maintenance Committee is to assist the Ranger with maintenance of the camp and its facilities and to make suggestions to the Longhorn Council leadership for camp improvements.

The committee holds workdays four times a year where volunteers can come out and spend the day working with other Scouters to help maintain the camp not only for events like summer camp but to ensure a quality facility for every Scout that comes out to experience “The Big Adventure”.

Upcoming Workday Dates (Click on the link's for more information and to register for the workday)


Worth Ranch Wildfire Mitigation Planning

Texas A&M Forestry Service Work at WR

This state agency has recently begun work at the camp to mitigate the fire danger and the intensity of any fire on the property. Juniper that we cut in late 2020 and the workday in January 2021 has been chipped by these professionals of the Forestry Service. They have already worked many hours to plan their abatement work and brought to the council a plan for the next several years. Buildings will continue to have clearances expanded and roadways will be widened. In the future, several "firebreak lanes" will be cut, mainly on the McLure property. This detailed plan of action will help us make the camp a safer place when discussing the danger of fire on the property.

The wonderful folks at the Forestry Service appreciate the work that has been done so far and one of them mentioned the Museum exterior as really fitting the need for preparation for a fire. If you have not looked at the exterior of the museum, you may want to do so. The generosity and care that Bryan Bogle and crew performed there is wonderful. The building is not "fireproof" but is as close to fire resistant as you can get. Bryan's generous contributions here are to be greatly applauded and appreciated.

Many of you have worked hard during the last decade to remove the juniper trees from certain areas, and the Forestry Service is doing terrific things to further this effort.


Recent, current and upcoming projects

New Austin Campsite Shelter

New changing area at the swimming pool

Female Summer Camp Staff Area

Foreman's House Renovation

Dario Lorenzetti Memorial (complete)

New posts and signs leading to the Chapel (complete)